
7 Reasons Why a UK-Based Business Needs to Outsource Mobile App Development Offshore

Planning to own a mobile app for your business in the UK this year but worried about the cost? Do not worry! Did you know that you can optimise the mobile app development cost with outsourcing services without compromising the quality? If not, then this blog is just for you. Learn how offshore mobile app development outsourcing can help you optimise the development cost and time. Let’s scroll down and unlock the 7 benefits now. 

Understanding Mobile App Development Outsourcing 

If you are not aware of mobile app development outsourcing, then let us first explain the process. Mobile app development outsourcing is the process of handing over your app development project to a company rather than making an app in-house. 

Some app-based businesses keep in-house IT teams for the development and maintenance of their app. However, it incurs recurring high costs for a business. But, if you outsource mobile app development and maintenance, you get better opportunities in multiple ways. 

Today, there are many B2B Mobile App Development Companies that create mobile apps for startups and businesses. So, you can find the one that fits your requirements and leave the development process up to them. 

Types of Mobile App Development Outsourcing

Also, you can outsource mobile app development services in two ways: 

Onshore Outsourcing

If you are a UK-based business and you would like to hand over your mobile app development project within the boundaries of the UK. Then, it is called Onshore outsourcing. In this case, you will be choosing a company located in the UK to carry out your project. Say, for example, if you wish to outsource your project onshore in UK, then you can choose a mobile app development company in London, Birmingham, Liverpool, or Nottingham and more. 

Offshore Outsourcing 

Alternatively, you can outsource your mobile app development project offshore. In offshore outsourcing, a UK-based business will be handing over the project to a company located outside the UK. 

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Offshore VS Onshore Outsourcing

Both offshore as well as onshore outsourcing have their own pros and cons. However, it depends upon your budget and location which will be right for you. If you are a small business based in the UK, then Offshore outsourcing is ideal to cut on development costs, without having to compromise quality. On the contrary, a big business in the UK with no budget constraints can choose onshore outsourcing and have more control over project management. 

However, since majority of the businesses planning to launch a mobile app in the market must be small or medium-sized businesses in their expansion phase. Therefore, we shall focus on offshore outsourcing benefits. Let’s discover: 

7 Reasons to Outsource Mobile App Development From UK to Abroad

If you are a small or medium-sized business in the UK with a limited budget, then go for offshore outsourcing. Here are 6 reasons and benefits of outsourcing your mobile app development project offshore. 

  1. To Optimise Mobile App Development Cost 

Did you know that Great Britain Pound (GBP) is the 5th highest currency in the world? At present, GBP is higher even than USD. As a result, if a UK-based business outsources its mobile app development project to some other country, certainly it gets great price deals. 

There are many countries like India, Japan, China, UAE, and even the USA that are developing in terms of Information and Technology. These countries have a great pool of talent available at a much lower cost. Eventually, if you outsource mobile app development services offshore, you get a high-quality product at a much more pocket-friendly price. This is the biggest advantage of Offshore outsourcing.

  1. Psychology Says Greater Focus! 

Furthermore, a ‘foreign client’ always captures greater attention from a business for enhancing reputation and building the company’s portfolio. As a result, if you outsource your mobile app development project to another country, your project will get a king treatment psychologically. 

Certainly, the outsourcing company will pay keen attention to make sure that the final product is cutting-edge and top-notch in quality. Therefore, you must give it a try. 

  1. Fresh UI/UX Design Ideas

Every country is culturally diverse. Culture is reflected in the art. UI/UX design of a mobile app, that is the designing the look and feel of a mobile app is also a kind of art. Say, for example, if you see digital products made in the USA, you will see that they focus less on fancy design. However, US-made digital solutions focus more on smooth functioning. 

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On the contrary, the UK’s culture is such that we focus more on style, fashion, and fancy things. Therefore, UK-made products are more fancy and elegant. However, you can try hiring an offshore outsourcing company for your project to get a product that looks ‘different’. 

Certainly, hiring a mobile app development company outside the UK will open an opportunity to get a distinguishable product. 

  1. Leverage The Benefits of Timezone Differences 

Additionally, if you outsource to companies based in eastern countries like India, China, and Japan, you can take advantage of the timezone differences. Remember that eastern countries are in their development phase. 

Also, their currency is not as strong as GBP. Eventually, most of the eastern countries have companies that operate on double shifts. As a result, you can reach out for support even during late at night. This way, you can focus on your business processes during the day and take app development follow-up during the night. 

  1. Get A Dedicated Team of Mobile App Developers 

When you choose a mobile app development outsourcing company, you get an opportunity to have a dedicated team of app developers. Usually, outsourcing companies have multiple developers and they allocate a whole team exclusively to one project. The team includes a particular number of developers, UI/UX designers, testers, and one project manager. 

So, outsourcing your mobile app project is almost similar to handing over the project to your in-house team. Therefore, you can outsource mobile app development projects without having to worry about anything. 

  1. Faster Project Completion Even During Festive Season

The UK enjoys its festive season during March-May with holidays like Good Friday, Easter Monday, St. Patrick’s Day, Early May Bank Holiday and more. However, eastern countries like India have their festive season during September and December. 

Eventually, you can start your project during the UK’s festive season and still get it on time if you outsource to an Eastern country. Cherry on the top, you can launch your mobile app with great festive discounts and offers during your festive season. 

  1. Better Android App Development Services 
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Furthermore, did you know that majority of the smartphone users in the UK are iOS users. Although Android users form a significant part of smartphone users, still Android app development services might be a bit difficult to find in the UK due to lack of popularity. Therefore, if you need a mobile app for Android devices. Then outsourcing your Android project can bring you better quality products, faster development, and efficient cost. 

Additionally, if you need an app that runs equally efficiently on both Android as well as iOS devices. Then, you can opt for cross-platform app development services as well. These days, iOS devices are getting popular in developing countries as well. Therefore, almost every country now prefers cross-platform app development. So, you can easily find relevant services. 

But How Can You Find and Connect with an Outsourcing Company?

Now, there might be some questions in your mind such as: 

  • How can I find a reliable company for offshore outsourcing?
  • Will the offshore team understand my language or vice versa?
  • How will I take follow-ups and practice control on my project with different timezones?
  • Will the quality of the mobile app fit my expectations?

Well, all these questions are valid and your concern is valid too. But, there is a solution to your problem. Do you know that outsourcing companies have multiple branches all across the world? As a result, you can still choose a Mobile App Development Company London, while taking advantage of offshore outsourcing. 

For example, Ezulix is a mobile app development company headquartered in India. However, it has its working branch also in London, UK. Therefore, they offer competitive prices in the UK while also maintaining top-notch quality. Similarly, you can find other such companies with Google research.

Final Thoughts

So, outsourcing mobile app development projects offshore can unlock a myriad of benefits for a smoother and better development process. You can optimise the cost without sacrificing quality. Furthermore, offshore outsourcing does not necessarily require you to connect with a foreign country altogether. Rather, you may also connect with their UK-based branch for communication and project discussion. While the headquarters continues to manage your project, you can follow up from the branch in the UK. This way, you get offshore outsourcing benefits like cost-efficiency and faster development on one hand. On the other hand, you can stay carefree about the communication barriers and trust issues. All the best for your project. Leverage offshore outsourcing today.

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