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Are abortion clinics government funded?

For couples with an unwanted pregnancy, the cost of an abortion may add additional stress to an already emotionally challenging situation. That is why many people want to know if they can access abortions on the NHS, or if they will have to pay for an abortion privately. In this article, we take a closer look at the challenges that some people face when trying to access government-funded abortions, and whether privately-funded abortions offer a suitable alternative.

Eligibility criteria for abortions in the UK

For an abortion to be legal in the UK it needs to fall within the 1967 Abortion Act. This means that two separate doctors need to agree that one or more of the following criteria have been met:

  • The pregnancy is under 24 weeks gestation and continuing the pregnancy would pose a greater risk to the mother than if the pregnancy was terminated (this includes both physically or mentally).
  • That termination is necessary to prevent permanent injury to the mother, whether mental or physical
  • That continuing with the pregnancy would potentially lead to a risk to the mother’s life (greater than continuing with the pregnancy).
  • That there is considerable risk that the child if it were born, it would suffer from mental or physical abnormalities.

Types of abortion in the UK

The majority of abortions in the UK are carried out quite early on in the gestational period between 4 and 10 weeks. Pregnancies of this stage can be terminated with the use of abortion pills. This is considered a very safe option for terminating pregnancies and begins with a consultation with a nurse or doctor. The patient then takes two different kinds of medications around 24 hours apart. The first medication blocks the hormones that sustain a pregnancy and the second encourages the uterus to contract and expel the tissue from the body. Although historically women would attend a clinic in person for their first lot of medication and then return home after, these days women can benefit from a fully remote service. This means that the consultation is carried out via telephone or video and then all the medication is sent directly in the post so the process can be carried out in the comfort and privacy of the patient’s own home.

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For pregnancies six weeks and above it is possible to have a surgical abortion. This is a surgical procedure which involves attending a clinic. The abortion procedure is carried out under local anaesthesia, general anaesthesia or conscious sedation, depending on your chosen clinic and preference. Your doctor or consultant will remove the pregnancy tissue from inside the uterus using a gentle handheld vacuum to create a gentle suction.

Are abortions funded by the government in the UK?

The majority of abortion procedures in the UK are provided by NHS hospitals and clinics which are funded by the government. A small percentage of abortions are carried out at private abortion clinics and are self-funded.

An NHS-funded abortion may seem like a great option for many couples, as it’s the better option financially. However, not everyone will choose to go this route and there are a few reasons why this may be.

Firstly, long wait times can be a concern. Now, it would be fair to say that most NHS services have long waiting times, and this can also be the case for abortion services. For couples who are near the legal gestational limits, or have complicated cases, a delay in appointments can sometimes be very distressing and a huge cause for concern with what is a very time-sensitive procedure. Additionally, some people may prefer more control over their clinic location or prefer a consultant-led service.

Getting an abortion at a private facility

Some individuals prefer to go to a private abortion clinic in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. There are plenty of benefits to going private, including having more control over your health and overall wellbeing.

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One of the main benefits and reasons that people choose to go private for their abortion is the shorter waiting times in comparison to the NHS. In fact, a private clinic may be able to book you in for a consultation on the very same day whereas you may be expected to wait a couple of weeks on the NHS. Once you’ve made the decision to have an abortion, waiting around can be a source of stress during what is already a very difficult time; being able to get help sooner can put your mind at ease.

A private abortion clinic should be certified. Here is a list of independent clinics and hospitals approved to carry out abortions in the UK. The majority of private abortion clinics have top-notch facilities. They also have highly-qualified, compassionate teams that will take great care of you. Their staff will be able to provide post-treatment support, enabling you and your partner to focus on your physical and emotional health, and prioritise your recovery. This is especially important for abortion procedures, when emotions are often running high.

But what about the pricing? For those wondering about the cost of abortion pill in the UK (for pregnancies up to 10 weeks of gestation), or the cost of a surgical abortion service, rest assured that, due to growing competition, most clinics now offer these services at highly competitive prices. You can expect to pay around £500 at the moment for abortion pills by post.

Your abortion – now made easier

We understand how tough it can be emotionally to deal with an unwanted pregnancy. There are many things that individuals and couples need to consider when getting an abortion – including availability, affordability, and quality of care.

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One of the most important decisions couples need to make is whether to choose government-funded or privately-funded care. There are many advantages to having NHS-funded care and, for many couples, it may feel like this is the only affordable option. However, this may not be the preferred choice for everyone. Some individuals and couples may prefer to consider other options.

As you can see, there are many benefits to choosing privately-funded abortions. This is because private clinics can offer quick, easy access to abortion services, whilst giving you more choice over appointment times and clinicians.

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