Health Fitness

How to do a relaxing massage

When your significant other has had a long and stressful day at work, the greatest way to help them relax and get ready for a restful and healthy night’s sleep is to give them a massage. In this post, we will discuss a number of different relaxation massage methods, as well as provide suggestions on how to prepare aromatic oils and the actual process of massage itself.

Step 1

The first step in giving a wonderful massage is to create an environment that is romantic and private. Before your partner comes, you should get the room ready by lighting fragrant candles and playing music that is soft and silent, like in the best spa in Dubai. In the process of preparing essential oils and light incense, it is important to choose the precise mixture that will not only be pleasurable for your partner but will also contribute to the creation of the feelings that you are looking for.

Lavender oil, for instance, is a powerful aphrodisiac, and it also has a relaxing impact, is excellent for stress, and promotes a rise in testosterone levels in males. In addition, it has a calming effect. The use of ylang-ylang oil, which is a potent antidepressant, is the most effective method for establishing a calming environment, particularly if you are anticipating having a personal talk during the operation. A similar effect may be achieved using sandalwood oil, which is widely prized for its earthy and “masculine” aroma. Additionally, sandalwood has been shown to stimulate sexual desire.

Rose oil is one of the most effective choices for an evening massage. Although it is often reserved for exceptional circumstances due to the fact that genuine rose oil is incredibly costly, it is able to precisely create an atmosphere that is conducive to love and elicits a powerful desire in the person who inhales its scent.

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Step 2

Wait for your partner to arrive, but do not rush into giving him a massage right away. After you have selected the appropriate oil, you should wait for him. You should begin by filling the bathtub with warm water, then adding some sang and a few drops of essential oil to the water. Moreover, you will not be able to go on with the treatment until your partner has finished taking a bath.

Step 3

During the beginning of the massage, you should begin by softly massaging the back and neck. It is preferable to establish a certain speed (one that is neither too fast nor too sluggish) from the very beginning of the treatment, and this pace should be maintained throughout the whole process. Your back should be massaged with broad strokes, and then you should go on to rubbing, separating the back into two zones, so to speak: from the shoulders to the midsection, and from the ribs to the buttocks.

To ensure that your motions are in the correct direction, you should always go from your head to your pelvis. You should go to the following level after you have worked at this tempo of rubbing for six to nine minutes.

Step 4

This is the longest stage, which may last anywhere from twenty to forty minutes. Before moving on to the second arm, you begin by massaging the near arm, beginning at the shoulder and working your way down to the wrist. Proceed to the pelvic region, namely the transverse gluteal muscles and the sacrum, when this has been completed.

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A more thorough kneading should be performed on each leg, alternating between the back of the thigh and the knee joint. Make sure that you “go over” the Achilles tendon and the gastrocnemius muscle of your leg.

Step 5

If you want your cherished spouse to feel genuine pleasure, you should complete the massage with a technique that involves the toes. You should give each toe a gentle touch, beginning at the foot and ending at the tip of the nail, and you should spend at least one minute doing this. Additionally, you should conclude the massage by gently and lightly caressing the whole body for a period of five to ten minutes, as if you were finally releasing the collected weariness.


In order to prevent the body that was heated by the massage from cooling down too soon, you should cover your partner with a warm blanket before allowing them to sleep. This will allow you to let your partner sleep once the treatment has been completed. Alternately, you have the option of spending the remainder of the evening relaxing and engaging in activities of your choosing.

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