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Richard Jones Is A Dentist In New Jersey NPI Number

Richard Jones, DMD, is a well-known dentist based in Medford, New Jersey, with years of experience providing comprehensive dental care. His commitment to patient well-being, combined with extensive training and skill, makes him one of the most trusted dentists in the region. Richard Jones is recognized by the National Provider Identifier (NPI) system, with the NPI number 1679649321. In this article, we will explore Dr. Jones’ background, expertise, services, and the significance of his NPI number for his practice.

What is an NPI Number?

Before diving into Dr. Jones’ career and services, it is essential to understand what an NPI number is and its significance. The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to healthcare providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This number is used in administrative and billing processes related to health care. The NPI simplifies tracking and identifying healthcare professionals, which is crucial for maintaining regulatory standards in the healthcare system.

Richard Jones’ Background and Credentials

Dr Richard Stewart Jones, DMD, practices at 332 Stokes Road, Medford, New Jersey, and has been a dedicated dental practitioner for over two decades. He graduated with a Doctorate in Dental Medicine (DMD), a qualification required to practice general dentistry in the United States. His registration with the NPI system began on November 27, 2006, and his NPI number—1679649321—has been updated and verified multiple times to ensure continued compliance and up-to-date information.

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Dr Jones’ practice is known for its patient-centred approach, where he prioritizes patient comfort, effective diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. As a general dentist, he handles a broad spectrum of dental care, including preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatments.

Services Offered by Richard Jones, DMD

At his Medford practice, Pinelands Family Dental Care, Dr. Richard Jones offers dental services to patients of all ages. Whether you need routine checkups or complex restorative procedures, Dr. Jones and his team are well-equipped to provide top-notch care.

Here are some of the primary services offered:

Preventive Care

    • Routine Checkups: Dr. Jones emphasizes the importance of regular dental examinations to catch potential issues before they become significant problems.
    • Dental Cleanings: Regular cleanings to remove plaque and tartar buildup are essential in preventing gum disease and tooth decay.
    • Oral Cancer Screenings: Dr. Jones performs thorough checks for early signs of oral cancer during routine exams.

    Restorative Dentistry

      • Fillings: Dr. Jones offers fillings to repair teeth damaged by decay, restoring their structure and function.
      • Crowns and Bridges: If you have severely damaged or missing teeth, crowns and bridges can restore your smile.
      • Root Canals: For patients suffering from tooth infections, Dr. Jones provides expert root canal therapy to save the affected tooth.

      Cosmetic Dentistry

        • Teeth Whitening: Dr. Jones offers professional teeth whitening services to enhance their smiles.
        • Veneers: Porcelain veneers are a popular option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth.
        • Dental Implants: As a long-term solution for missing teeth, implants offer a more permanent and natural-looking replacement option.
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        Emergency Dentistry

          Dental emergencies can happen anytime, and Dr. Jones is always ready to provide urgent care. From broken teeth to severe toothaches, his practice prioritizes emergency appointments to relieve pain and address the issue promptly.

          The Importance of Choosing an NPI-Registered Dentist

          Choosing a healthcare provider with an NPI number offers peace of mind, knowing that federal health authorities have verified the provider. In addition to being a marker of legitimacy, the NPI number allows for better transparency in healthcare transactions, particularly for patients using Medicare or Medicaid. Dr. Jones’ NPI number, 1679649321, ensures that his credentials, licensure, and practice details fully comply with healthcare standards.

          Patient Testimonials and Experience

          Patients consistently praise Dr. Jones for his gentle approach and thorough care. His practice has earned a reputation for creating a relaxed environment where patients can feel at ease during their treatments. Patients highlight his ability to explain procedures clearly, ensuring they understand their options and the expected outcomes.

          Here are a few snippets from patient reviews:

          • “Dr. Jones has been my dentist for over ten years, and I couldn’t be happier with the care I receive. He is patient, professional, and always puts my comfort first.”
          • “The Pinelands Family Dental Care staff is wonderful, and Dr. Jones truly cares about his patients. I’ve done cosmetic and restorative work and am thrilled with the results.”

          Such testimonials reflect Dr. Jones’s quality of care and dedication to improving his patients’ oral health.

          Why Oral Health Matters

          Maintaining good oral health is not just about having a bright smile. It plays a critical role in your overall health and well-being. Poor oral health can lead to more significant health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and even complications during pregnancy. Dr. Jones emphasizes preventive care as a way to protect both oral and overall health.

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          The Location and Contact Information

          For those seeking high-quality dental care in New Jersey, Dr. Richard Jones’ practice is conveniently located in Medford, a town known for its community-focused atmosphere and accessible healthcare services.

          • Practice Name: Pinelands Family Dental Care
          • Location: 332 Stokes Road, Medford, NJ 08055
          • Phone Number: 609-953-9999

          Dr. Jones’ office accepts various insurance plans, including Medicare, making it easier for patients to access the necessary care. Patients are encouraged to call and schedule an appointment for routine checkups or to address specific dental concerns.


          Dr. Richard Jones is a seasoned dental professional in Medford, New Jersey, known for providing comprehensive dental care to his community. His expertise in preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry and compassionate approach have made him a trusted name in the region. Dr. Jones’s NPI number, 1679649321, is a testament to his credentials and dedication to upholding the highest healthcare standards.

          FAQS: Richard Jones Is A Dentist In New Jersey NPI Number

          Who is Richard Jones, and what are his credentials?

          Richard Jones is a licensed dentist based in Medford, New Jersey, with extensive experience in general dentistry. He holds a Doctorate in Dental Medicine (DMD) and provides comprehensive dental services to patients of all ages.

          What services does Richard Jones provide?

          Dr. Jones offers a wide range of dental services, including preventive care (checkups and cleanings), restorative dentistry (fillings, crowns, root canals), cosmetic dentistry (teeth whitening, veneers, implants), and emergency dental care.

          Where is Dr. Richard Jones’ practice located?

          Dr Richard Jones’s dental practice, Pinelands Family Dental Care, is at 332 Stokes Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055.

          Does Dr. Richard Jones accept Medicare?

          Yes, Dr. Richard Jones may accept Medicare. However, patients are advised to confirm details related to coverage and any out-of-pocket expenses when scheduling appointments.

          What is the significance of Dr. Jones having an NPI number?

          An NPI number ensures that Dr. Jones is a registered healthcare provider with verified credentials. It streamlines billing for Medicare and Medicaid services and guarantees that he meets federal healthcare standards.

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