Health Fitness

Why do celebrities get IV drips?

IV drips and celebrities have a long-standing relationship. From Selena Gomez to Jennifer Aniston and even Lady Gaga – all are fans of IV drips. But why do they need them? Are these IV drips even beneficial? How do they actually work? Are IV drips right for you? It’s time to find out more.

IV drips: What are they?

Let us first understand what an IV drip actually is, and how it helps the body. IV or intravenous drips, as the name suggests, is a therapy which delivers fluids, medications and nutrients directly into our bloodstream via the veins. These are commonly found in medical settings, such as hospitals, private clinics and even at home for patients who require regulated delivery of nutrients.

How do IV drips work?

A typical IV drip consists of a cannula, which is essentially a very small needle and tube that is inserted into the veins present in arms or hands. This cannula is then connected to an IV bag via a tube that holds the required solution. A regulator is further attached with this tube to control the flow of the solution into the veins.

How can an IV drip benefit your body?: Explained

The benefits of an IV drip therapy are multifold. From your skin to your gut, an IV drip therapy can help your body regain lost nutrients in a quick and effective way. Whether it’s a glutathione IV drip, or an immunity boosting IV drip, there is something for all. But why do celebrities love it? Simply because it has a boatload of benefits.

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Increased energy levels

Firstly, increased energy levels. IV drip therapy can do wonders for your energy levels – more specifically, an energy boosting IV drip. Such an IV drip usually includes vitamin B12, B complex and vitamin C along with Alpha Lipoic Acid, all of which can help you beat fatigue and constant feelings of tiredness. What’s more is how it tackles the energy problem from its roots by assisting the functioning and repair carried out by mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell). This makes energy IV drips a great option for those with hectic lifestyles, stressful professional lives, athletes, or anyone who faces gut issues and are struggling to meet their energy requirements. Celebrities, particularly, love this IV drip because it helps them have everlasting energy for their shows and appearances around the clock.


Another benefit of IV drips that celebrities love is the anti-ageing effects. A NAD+ IV drip is a type of drip designed to help you maintain a healthy and youthful appearance – even as you age. This IV drip particularly achieves this feat by topping up the NAD+ levels in the body, which tend to deplete as we age. NAD+ is an important co-enzyme responsible for essential cellular functions like DNA repair and reducing oxidative stress on our cells. Both of these are responsible for the signs of ageing such as decreased metabolism, wrinkling and sagging of the skin, increased cellular ageing and damage to other organs in more ways than one. Individuals who have NAD+ IV drips have been reported to experience better sleep quality, improved mental clarity and mood regulation, and best of all – feeling younger and vigorous – even in old age.

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Immunity boost

For celebrities in particular, when shooting or travelling to different locations, it is normal to be exposed to lots of different people and their germs. As they need to stay healthy, having a strong immune system is really important. An immune boosting IV drip can help by improving the body’s natural defense against pesky viruses. Immune boosting drips are especially designed to help strengthen the immune system so that it is in the best possible shape to fight off any illnesses. They may contain a blend of immune amino acids like glutamine, arginine, and taurine. So, whether it is a seasonal change, frequent travelling, exposure to polluted environments and meeting with lots of people on a regular basis, you too can rely on an immune boosting IV drip to maintain your immunity and keep you safe.


In addition to the above, IV drips are most known for their hydration capabilities. Have you experienced jet lag, a bad hangover or a very tough session at the gym? All of these feelings make you feel groggy and run down – which is not good for your overall health nor maintaining a busy lifestyle. A hydration IV drip may contain nutrients such as sodium lactate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12) – all of which can hydrate your body almost instantly. With multiple social engagements, networking events and offbeat travel schedules, a hydration IV drip, once a celebrity best friend, is now accessible to everyone that has similar body demands.

While the list of benefits and why celebrities love IV drips is extensive, the question now remains – is an IV drip the right choice for you?

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Are IV drips right for you?

Although we may now understand why celebrities love IV drips, it’s time to question whether IV drips are the right choice for you. While the choice of undergoing IV drip therapy is a personal one, and ultimately your own call, what makes IV vitamin therapy a good option over oral supplements is how efficiently they deliver nutrients to the body, which often get lost in the process of natural absorption via the gut. Additionally, with modern-day processed diets generally rating poorly in terms of the amount of nutrients we need, your diet may include fewer vitamins and less nourishment than you realise. This makes reliance on external supplementation for some people a necessity, to ensure their body functions optimally.

For those who push their bodies to the limit, have gut issues, or a demanding lifestyle with work and social engagements coming up one after the other, our bodies use up nutrient reserves faster than they can be replenished, making IV drips a convenient option for helping to maintain good health. And with minimal side effects, most of which are transient in nature, IV drip therapy also eliminates any concerns of being a safe procedure. That being said, it’s important to attend a doctor-led clinic so that they are well equipped to deal with any side effects for peace of mind.

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