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Yoga For Emotional Healing – A Journey Of Self-Discovery

As everybody is already aware, yoga offers healing on all planes. It is also capable of controlling your emotions. If you are someone who has still not started exploring the positive aspects of yoga, start now. Most people search for happiness outside, but it resides within. And yoga will help you understand the same, through its scriptures. You can enrol for the Yoga Teacher Training in Bali, to unearth numerous possibilities. 

For the unversed, you do not need to resort to medicines to get emotional relief. There are several healthy ways to heal yourself. You just need to find out what works for you. Here you will get guidance on how you can adopt yoga as a healing modality to soothe your senses. Once you get into the habit and also learn about the background of yoga, you can understand your relationship with pain. Yoga practice can help you to take a break from mundane activities, giving you time to recuperate. 

Practice Yoga School in Bali – What Is Yoga?

While practicing yoga school in Bali, you will understand the true meaning of yoga. Most of you may have a notion that it is a physical exercise. However, you cannot be further away from the truth. Yoga is a holistic practice which brings the mind, soul, and the body together. It is distinct from other therapies or exercises. You can consider it as a holistic way to regulate the nervous system. It involves movement, breath work, meditation and connection with the universe. This complete all-in-one integration makes it different from other approaches, including psychological ones. 

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The Yoga Teacher Training in Bali will be a therapeutic experience for all. You can practice it just about anywhere. Even if you do not engage in yoga asanas, you could still be practicing yoga through Pranayama and meditation. Yoga is basically derived from multiple lineages and relies on the oldest scriptures laid down by the sages. There are eight limbs of yoga, as written down and passed on through the ages by Patanjali Sage. They are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. 

Yoga is not just limited to the asanas, but it is a practice that involves a series of kriyas for the all-round healing of the mind. 

How Yoga Can Heal You And Strengthen Your Emotional State?

Yoga practice on a daily basis can help in shifting your perspective from the negative to positive. Once this shift in emotions occur, you can slowly control your emotions. Moreover, your emotions become manageable once you start practicing yoga. Yoga can be a helpful addition to your daily routine, whether you are trying to calm your mind or deal with emotional trauma. Research on yoga has proven that it can help in managing mental disorders and anxiety-related disorders. 

If you expect quick fixes, then that is not possible with yoga. You have to incorporate yoga into your lifestyle and practice it on a daily basis, to get all the benefits.  Let us find out what you can do in complete detail. 

  • First things first, as stated before, you can practice yoga even without engaging in yoga asanas. Breathing exercises are an important part of yoga practice, which can help you to shift your emotional state. It is better known as Pranayama in the yogic world. The Yoga Teacher Training in Bali will help you to learn about the breathing exercises which can impact your emotional state. When you practice the right breath works that help in relaxation, you are in a better state of mind. 
  • If you want to relax and quieten the flow of thoughts in your mind, you must practice Ujjayi Pranayama, also called Ocean Breath. You have to inhale the air and then breathe out, while making a sound from the back of the throat. The sound resembles the sound of waves. 
  • Sheetali Pranayama is another type of Pranayama, in which you cool your mind and body. However, before practicing any Pranayama, you must keep the contraindications in mind. This is a classic cooling Pranayama, which can relax the mind and body effectively. 
  • Bhramari Pranayama is the third one which can relax and sooth your emotional being. You are supposed to inhale as you do in other breathing practices, then exhale while keeping the mouth closed, making a bee-like humming sound. It stimulates the vagus nerve, and starts a parasympathetic response. 
  • If you want to uplift yourself for any reason, try Kapalbhati Pranayama. This is a very energising Pranayama, in which you get your heart beating in full force. Some of the yoga practitioners also use it for self-motivation. The exhalation is more powerful and active than the inhalation, in this practice. 
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Yoga Postures Or Asanas Which Can Calm Your Emotionally 

At the yoga school in Bali, you will also learn about some of the postures which can heal you. Before you start the physical yoga practice, you must tune your body mentally. 

Supported Balasana or Child’s Pose – It is an excellent asana which can soothe you. It is relaxing to the core as well. You can take a cushion to support your chest, while you are folded down. 

Baddha Konasana or Butterfly Pose – It is yet another resting pose, which can free up your mind. It does not only relieve you of your stress, but can be helpful in curing back pain. 

Once you are done with the asanas, you can navigate into a meditative stance. Meditation is as important in the realm of yoga, as anything other kriya. 

Meditation For Your Emotional Well-being 

Allow your teacher to guide you through meditation in the first few instances. Later, you can practice it in your own space. Guided meditation and mantra meditation are two of the most effective meditative practices. Meditation will allow you to anchor yourself in the present moment. Join the classes to understand in a better manner.


You can choose Bali Vinyasa Yoga School for your learning. The environment is also very important, so that you get the most authentic knowledge in yoga.

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